Covid-19 Variants

 No question - this has been a year from... However, with every miserable thing that happens in life - is an opportunity to learn. I will always ask (gently and diplomatically!) someone with a chronic illness, "how did you know?" Looking back, were there any signs, that maybe we sloughed off as stress, age, or something else? How do these covid variants happen? Let's first have a crash course on virology. Viruses are probably the best example of our concept of " to infinity and beyond". They are the most abundant form of "life" on earth, and probably elsewhere! Exponential growth is an understatement. Literally, trillions to the power of another few trillion. A virus has a shell, capsid, which protects its viral material, or genome, safe. Some particularly resilient viruses such as Hep C, coronavirus, herpes, HIV have an extra protective coating referred to as envelopes. Viral envelopes hate soap, soap is their kryptonite, which is why washing with soap is paramount to destroy the virus. Every time the coronavirus transmits between people, it picks up microscopic changes to its genetic code. The result is coronavirus variants, Researchers are observing patterns as to how the virus is mutating. Covid-19 seems to be the lead track star of viruses - redefining how fast a virus can mutate. The bottom line is, we do not know how many variants exist now, or, potentially how many there could be in the future. Remaining vigilant about preventing transmission is no less vital now - it is even more important now to help halt the potential for mutations. Hand washing with soap, masks, distancing, covid-19 testing, abiding by lockdowns... are all vital to harnessing this virus from further mutations. The vaccine is NOT a get out of jail for free card!!! Hopefully, our vaccines will be able to keep up with these mutations. We know that every year (less actually) our flu vaccines need to be updated. The coronavirus vaccines will demand constant updates - more than any software we have ever complained about updating! Evolution in action... survival of the fittest: In most viruses and disease-causing bacteria, the use of treatments and vaccines challenges them to evolve ways of escaping them so they can continue to thrive... These viruses certainly appear to have an evolutionary advantage. What can we do to proactively strengthen us against these multiple coronaviruses?


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